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I lied, because there's the final piece of the puzzle. · Abbreviation 👋 NT = Note-Taking PNT = Pre-Note-Taking Foreword As shown in the previous...
Even a collie knows the concept of scalable, when in front of a flock · Foreward "Scalable" is an idea of an ability to efficiently handle enormous...
Don’t make a note a national treasure, or only Nicolas Cage can discover it later. · Introduction If we can split note-taking into sub-processes, it’d be...
A bad content-builder is like a chunky watches Netflix with lying on a treadmill · Introduction For a long period of time, I often found that note-taking...
A bad note is like taking a drug — delightful at first, but it will haunt you one day · Foreword After 10+ years of writing, writing over thousands of...