Determine whether note-taking in Notion is effective. Part 4 — A scalable strategy

Determine whether note-taking in Notion is effective. Part 4 — A scalable strategy

Even a collie knows the concept of scalable, when in front of a flock


2 min read


"Scalable" is an idea of an ability to efficiently handle enormous number of notes. We've just shown the improper strategies to organize data in Notion. Those are not suitable because they're not scalable.

So in this article, we'll show an implementation with traits of Retrievable & Indexable that scale.


Think about Scalable as a metric that judges the quality of implementations that implement Retrievable & Indexable. So if an implementation satisfies Recallable & Condensable, but not Scalable, then it's still bad in the long run.

A scalable implementation is basically the solution that picks the positives from the extreme solutions — No Folder & Infinite Folders.

Demo — The architecture

The example of "Notion environment" in the video below is simple, because that is easier for me to explain the main idea. In reality, my Notion setup is far more complicated than that, which I can't share at once; but they all built from the base which you will see in the video.

FYI, this is similar to teaching software architecture, and the best practice to teach such topic at the start is using a simple case as a base. Because if we can't understand the idea on a high-level from a simple example, it's unlikely we can get that from a sophisticated one.

Summary 🎉

Only the implementations of Recallable & Condensable that pass the metric of Scalable are valuable. Because that means we can use the same pattern to handle both few notes and a massive notes without getting too many troubles.

Next, we'll see the final in this series — Pre-note-taking.